This user account status is Approved

28/12/2023 12:36
Client assessed for Abortion Care via Telemedicine:

- OBGYN history discussed and Screening Tool questions asked
- G 02 P 01
- LNMP = 22/11/2023 = 5 weeks 0 days by dates
- no signs or symptoms admitted to or disclosed by client suggestive of possible ectopic pregnancy
- client appears eligible for self-directed MSMP based on information provided
- Marie Stopes Procedure (MSP) vs Marie Stopes Medical Process (MSMP) comparison provided for context
- client to obtain MSMP Pack by Collecting @ MS Cape Town
- PAFP = Mercillon
- immediate return of fertility emphasized

Client counseled re: the nature of, the steps for and the potential risks and alternatives for the MSMP.
Client counseled re: the use of and potential side effects of all available methods of Post-Abortion Family Planning (PAFP).
Content of MSMP After Care Booklet, Danger Signs, Potential Risks and Complications as well as Pain Control discussed.
Client instructed to perform Home PT 21 days after taking Misoprostol.
If PT still feint positive on day 21, to repeat on day 28 and call Contact Centre if still feint positive.
1-10 out of 1000 chance discussed of MSP being required as a result of unsuccessful MSMP.
Client prompted at intervals to ask questions. All questions posed by client answered.
Client encouraged to refer to Written Materials (MSMP After Care Booklet and Medical Process Pack - Instructional Insert) or to contact the Contact Centre if unsure.
Client states she has no further questions, has understood all health education provided and feels comfortable proceeding with Self-directed MSMP.
(/Ricus Swiegelaar RM - SANC Ref No: 15587439/)